a thank you note to provo

thank you to provo cover

Dear Provo,

My heart is currently halfway dying at the thought of not getting to see you for four whole months. I’m halfway excited for the rad places I get to spend time in this summer, and the rad people I get to spend time with in those places, but I’ll still miss you until we meet back up again in September. So I just wanted to say thank you for a fantastic year, and lots of good thoughts for the years to come.

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Thank you for the sunsets over the lake, and the bright sunrises over the mountains.

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Thank you for beautiful hidden spots to go on runs to.

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Thank you for city lights seen while on Y Mountain.

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Thank you for this amazing temple.

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Thank you for fall leaves, and winter snow (at least a tiny bit of it), and spring blossoms.

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Thank you for quirky neighborhoods full of great trees and houses.

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Thank you for having parks as backyards.

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Thank you for classy art museums (okay, this was Springville and technically not Provo, but close enough).

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Thank you for the river to remind me of Boise.

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Thank you for wonderful people, and great vibes. It’s been quite the year. Peace out for four months! See ya back in the fall!



Other places to find me (a.k.a. let’s be friends!):

Bloglovin’ >>> Life and Loveliness

Instagram >>> @tessabrynnk

Twitter >>> @tessabrynnk

Pinterest >>> Tessa Kohler

photo adventures // part 1

So today I got around to sorting through the photos that Caroline and I took last weekend. Or at least the first day of the photo adventure weekend. We’ll leave day 2 for another time. Prepare yourself for the most photo-laden post I’ve ever published on this blog. Be proud.

Thank goodness for mountains, and neighborhoods with character, and fields, and warm spring evenings.









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Happy Sunday, y’all. Let’s hope we can survive finals week.


Other places to find me (a.k.a. let’s be friends!):

Bloglovin’ >>> Life and Loveliness

Instagram >>> @tessabrynnk

Twitter >>> @tessabrynnk

Pinterest >>> Tessa Kohler

favorite bits of life lately


-Thinking back to this weekend when I was in possession of a DSLR for a brief smidgen of time, and we took magical pictures on a mountain.

-Don’t be deceived by the above picture, which was taken on Sunday, but it snowed lovely, huge, fabulous flakes here in Provo starting last night and continuing until this afternoon. Everyone else in the world here was complaining but I was in heaven because snow is fabulous. And it’s supposed to be back to 70 degrees again in a few days, so I’m not too worried. After having the lamest winter in history {hear that Utah?! get your act together next year!}, a little bit of snow is good for my soul. {Side note: huge blowing flakes look harmless enough, but try running up a large hill with those shooting into your face and it’s a different story. But still an adventure.}

-Classes are OVER for the year! Now the trick is going to be getting my brain to stay turned on for the next week enough to get through finals…Right now it just wants to float away to an island on the east coast, or a forest, or a mountaintop, or New York City…

-I discovered THIS beautiful musical goodness today. Josh Groban + Kelly Clarkson + Phantom of the Opera = something absolutely wonderful. Listen and behold.

-Also, THIS article about Frank Sinatra is just great. He’ll always be my favorite.


Other places to find me (a.k.a. let’s be friends!):

Bloglovin’ >>> Life and Loveliness

Instagram >>> @tessabrynnk

Twitter >>> @tessabrynnk

Pinterest >>> Tessa Kohler

currently listening // better days

This song. I was trying to explain it to my roommates tonight, but I couldn’t quite do it justice. This song just feels like the world and life and humanity when it’s all full of all the emotions. I think it’s just the instrumentals + words + who knows what else, and it equals something emotional. Ha, just listen to it. The video part doesn’t matter as much, but just listen to the song. And happy late Monday.


Other places to find me (a.k.a. let’s be friends!):

Bloglovin’ >>> Life and Loveliness

Instagram >>> @tessabrynnk

Twitter >>> @tessabrynnk

Pinterest >>> Tessa Kohler

indian food + photo adventures


Mmm it was a good weekend. The closer it gets to moving out, the more I realize how much I’m going to miss the life that I’ve made here in Provo this year. I’m excited to go home, and I’m excited for all that my summer will hold, but I’m full of all sorts of bittersweet feelings, because this year has just been so good. Less than two weeks left and I’m dyinnnnngggg!

Friday night was quite stellar, and it involved Indian food at Bombay House with the roommates, which was, of course, the best. Chicken coconut kurma and garlic naan bread for the win. Every time. We’ve talked about going to eat at Bombay House all year, and we finally got around to it just before the end of the semester. Food like this just makes me want to travel all over the entire world and eat delicious ethnic food every day of my life.

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I was going to take a nice pretty picture of my plate {see bottom right}, but then I forgot and went and messed it up. That’s why I’m not a food blogger. Hopefully Caroline’s {see top right}, which still looks normal, makes up for it.

Saturday was a nice day for doing mostly nothing except look at blog improvement articles all day, and take a nap on the couch, and sit on Pinterest. But nothing days are always much-needed, right? And hey, I got ready, so that’s always a plus. {Excuse the dirty mirror.}

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When we’d lazed around enough, Caroline and I trekked on-campus to the library where we checked out a couple DSLR cameras, and then went on an adventure with said cameras up into the neighborhood behind our apartment, and to a field-sort-of-a-thing that happens to be tucked up in there. And we took lots of pictures. And it was great. And now I really want a DSLR.


{Can you spot the hole in the cardigan??? College probs. I’m looking forward to a trip to Old Navy when I get home.}

Right after church today we walked up to the same spot, and it was lovely. Today was just the perfect day, with the perfect temperature, and perfect-smelling flowers everywhere, and blue sky, and I’m going to miss days like these. Stay tuned for the end result of the photography adventures. In the meantime, here are a couple sneak peaks of my lovely roommate, who is a babe, and all eligible gentlemen should want to date her.



Let’s sing praises for better-quality-than-iphone images for a change. I hope everyone that happens to read this has a fabulous next seven days, and look out Idaho, because I’ll be coming for you in less than two weeks. {Insert alternating sad & happy faces here.} And Martha’s Vineyard, don’t think you’re off the hook, because I’ll be coming for you in less than two months. So be ready.

{If you want something uplifting to read, check out THIS TALK that I discovered in Relief Society today at church. Elder Holland is the best. }


Other places to find me (a.k.a. let’s be friends!):

Bloglovin’ >>> Life and Loveliness

Instagram >>> @tessabrynnk

Twitter >>> @tessabrynnk

Pinterest >>> Tessa Kohler