slc // in verbs

sometimes the world hands you a perfect night. and sometimes that happens to be right before you’re moving, and I feel like that’s not all that fair, right?? we went to Salt Lake last Friday with no objective in mind, and I think we were handed one of those solid nights.

aaaand here are the stories of the evening, told in verbs! (because I don’t feeel like stringing it together into an eloquent story tbh, haha. but sometimes story pieces are fun?)

SNEAKING // we accidentally snuck into the back of mass at the cathedral. (mass? a mass? grammar??) and by accidentally I mean that we happened to be there when mass was going on haha. and by sneaking I mean we just walked in and tiptoed to a bench on the creaky wood floor so we didn’t make much noise. Mass was super cool, actually!

DROOLING // over the Avenues. and tree-lined streets in general.

SPELLING // Me: “does capitol have an ‘a’ or an ‘o’?” / Kenzie: “it has both!” … That made me laugh more than it probably should have. & now I think I’ll always remember how to spell capitol.

WATCHING // this family on the capitol lawn was blowing bubbles with a giant bubble wand and it was straight magic. there was a little kid who would run after the bubbles every single time, and we decided that’s the epitome of childhood joy. and we also decided that if you’re dating someone who’s outgrown chasing bubbles, you probably shouldn’t date them.

it was a good night, that’s all. that part of Utah doesn’t feel like Utah, and I don’t know why I haven’t spent more time up there (in Salt Lake, and especially up by the capitol) this whole time I’ve lived here.

and here are some pictures!
















^^^the first time I saw KC properly in front of me, a couple weeks ago

Shoot, I haven’t been sentimental for the past couple weeks, but then I started listening to my mood music playlist at the end of work the other day. Freeeak, that did it. The life that I’ve built here—it’s a good one. I’m in a mild limbo where it’s too soon to really start packing, but I feel like I need to do something that gives me physical evidence of transition. Except for the 20 minute periods here and there like when I turned on my mood music at work and then all of a sudden it’s like, “noooooope, not packing, we’re not going anywhere!” and I feel like the kid in Walmart who just wants to hang out in the toy aisle and never leave. It’s weird to just be leaving all of it. I’m not just going away for a cute summer break internship. Nope, this is it. Provo holds so many people that have made me laugh and inspired me and pricked my emotions here and there and listened to me and brought me a richness that I never expected to find in college. Yeah I hoped and figured it would be good…but not this good.

Right now I have my people. I have people I can call when I need a ride to pick up my car from the shop, or when I need to talk something out, or when I need someone to eat the cheesecake I made just for fun. And hopefully those people feel the same way about me. But having people is a luxury I won’t have, at least for a little while, when I move to KC.

And beyond people, actually none of this life is going to be the same. Kinda scary, mostly exciting, but also scary at the same time. But progression is a thing. And most of the time I’m very ready to move on. But then other times…shoot, I just have so much here and it’s hard to get my brain to imagine a life with this much fulness anywhere else. But I’m sure it’s possible. (hahaha heck, it better be possible or else the rest of life is going to be a little rough. like, this better not be the peak!)

But any way you look at it, it’s a blessing to have so much here.

too cool for park city

[this is a story of not quite being in the same social class as everyone else in park city]

yesterday afternoon we went to Park City, just for exploration’s sake.

by the time we got there, we were hungry. so we walked up and down Main Street, examining menus outside restaurants, and it quickly became apparent that the majority of the Park City visitors must have a different idea than we did about what a sandwich is worth. either that, or Park City sandwiches must be have other-worldly flavor. idk which one it is.

so we settled on ice cream for pre-dinner.

then we walked through a neighborhood and climbed a mountain.

then we drove 15 minutes to find a McDonalds for real dinner.

then we went to a park commandeered by high schoolers.

then we drove home.

conclusion of the day: it’s definitely not that Park City is too cool for us. I’m pretty sure it’s the other way around.

(btw, did you know there’s a Banksy in Park City? so rad!)

*cue photo dump for posterity’s sake*









I’m not a blogger so this post doesn’t even need to be about anything

^^^ Ya you read that title. So here’s a list of things. I’m not even putting a picture.

  1. Natalie Jean just blogged again after a year away, and it’s everything I wanted it to be for her first post back.
  2. I decided that I’m going to buy myself a bathrobe when I move into my new apartment in KC. Because somehow a bathrobe seems like a token of adulthood? Or at least a token of adulthood living in an apartment on your own? Or at least a token of some form of luxury? So ya, bathrobe.
  3. I’ve spent 3 months being sad and sentimental and nostalgic for Utah, and I think I’m done being sad and I just want to move already.
  4. I went to a concert the other night and I decided that I would definitely be okay with dating someone in a band. Long hair, artistic flair, some well-placed tattoos…yeah I promise I’m not kidding, I’d be wayyyy into that. Ok maybe not the leather pants. But all the rest of it, where do I sign up??? Anyone know any temple-worthy kids who check off the “rockstar” box?
  5. Dan Mace on Casey Neistat’s vlogs these days MAKES MY LIFE SO HAPPY. Like, can I order one of him to bring to KC with me to be my friend before I make friends haha? [watch THIS ONE and THIS ONE especially]
  6. Whaaaaat do I even want this blog to be? Do I want it to be anything? Do I need it to be anything?

That’s all! K bye!


things I spent too much time on today


  1. looking at the effortlessly cool Instagram feeds of women working in the ad industry in NYC and killing it at life.
  2. the app “Hyperspektiv” … solidly the best $0.99 I’ve spent all day. but I’m also easily entertained. basically there are about 20 different interactive filters that you can use to distort your photos or videos so you can live our your dreams of being artsy. [AM I AN ART DIRECTOR YET???]
  3. getting the perfect text placement and color for my IG story about how cool Hyperspektiv is.

so basically I need to get off the internet hahaha.